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Does size really matter in the bedroom?

Posted on November 19 2017

At first, it could feel kind of reassuring thinking that we don't care about size that much (or do we?), that we can keep a certain level of “purity”… lol purity…


We, as a society, have also learned that if we look a little bit deeper, we realize that sex is as much an important aspect of our lives as any. Find a person who can just live without sex? No one can, at least not for real. Therefore, since sex is a quite essential factor to live a normal, happy and healthy life, we have to admit to ourselves that does size really matter in order to be sexually satisfied? 


Whether you're a fan of big sizes or you like smaller, more manageable dimensions, you must have a preference and there is no shame in that. Instead you should embrace it and go in for the kill like a wild savage Pitbull that has stayed 2 years in the wilderness with massive blue balls.

 blue balls

Some think that there is usually a physical predisposition towards bigger, medium or small sizes. For example, girls may seem to be more naturally attracted to larger sizes and taking it like a champion, but you might be surprised by what boys can accomplish between the sheets regardless of size. Now for man on man, because of tighter muscles, stronger hamstrings and less natural flexibility, it can be quite hard for a man to handle another man's snake, so size in this case maybe not really that important. We know in most cases the bigger, the better but that is not always the case.


Many girls and boys also can be pleased by tinier equipment. Although pain can be a crucial factor sometimes a lot of people prefer to play nice while still satisfying their burning desires so there must be a balance. 


Furthermore, let's not forget about the joys of oral sex. Studies have actually shown that many couples do prefer oral sex to more traditional penetration. In these special occasions size is everything. If the penis isn't big enough, there may not be much to play with, there is no magic, and there is no real pleasure without a little magic.


Males who have been granted the gift of a big penis think that size matters. You can tell by the way they strut when they are about to take someone back into the bedroom with them, they feel good about getting to second base and cannot wait to unleash the King Kobra! Would a guy with smaller attributes be as confident? Probably not and he will most certainly carry this with him into the bedroom. So even if he couldn't admit it to himself, the size of his penis may an influence on his sex life and they do matter for him too.


There will always be exceptions in the world of course. There even may be people who honestly couldn't care less about their partner's or their own genital size which is how it should be. So now we come to the conclusion and you have probably guessed it. We want it all. We need it all. We need to be fully satisfied. Big or small if you do not how to use it then it does not matter. Satisfaction is everything!

small man beats giant

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